My driving test is this Friday. At 8:30 am. With the warm-up session thrown in, I have to be at the driving centre at 7:00 am. For Julia "I can't function before 10:30" Guo, this is a tall order indeed.
So, for the past two days and the next two coming up, I have and will be at the dratted driving centre at 8.35 am. Driving. Before my brain can actually function. Before all the crust in my eyes that collected there while I was sleeping have the chance to fall off. Before I can be sarcastic to people and be aware of it.
In the conversation that transpired between us, I actually told him something to this effect: "(Unlike me,) You have a long day ahead."
He promptly informed me that he only had one more lesson to teach before he was done for the day. He also told me that I wasn't working hard enough, resulting in people unable to book for test dates because people like me kept hogging them by doing re-tests. He also said that if I didn't stop making the mistakes I was making, I'd better zi gei bou zhong (Cantonese for: You're on your own, buster).
My instructor today, you see, was rather stricter (and more unpleasant) than the few I've had previously (obviously my appeal is not universal), and gave me grief for quite a portion of the session. This too early, that too late, and some not even done at all......... Yawn. I'm far from a model student, I know. Here are the mistakes I made today:
1. Insufficient acceleration (my number one nemesis next to lane-changing)
2. Failing to slow down when approaching road hazards (a traffic light is a road hazard too, apparently)
3. Changing lanes abruptly (like I said, my number one nemesis)
4. Failing to check my blind spot (the left one. Which I did, but very barely)
5. Failing to use the appropriate gear (goes hand-in-hand with item 1. And travelling on slopes)
6. Moving off in the wrong gear (my favourite goofy, unforgivable mistake to make)
After he finished his semi-lecture on What Went Wrong with Your Driving Today, I went (by way of making innocent small talk, or so I thought) "Wow! You went on for a good 5 minutes."
To which he replied, "Ya, that's because you make so many mistakes." And then he just got out of the car. And walked off.