I just threw an ant out of the window. While sticking to my principle not to kill any living thing if I could help it, I don't think my actions are going to be appreciated very much by the little critter. Sigh, the problem with absolute power.
Faced with the annoyance that was the little ant crawling around on my table, I was faced with three options:
1) Snub out its life by rubbing it into a little ball;
2) Pick it up, still alive, and release it outside your window, letting the wind carry it wherever its whim decides; and
3) Ignore it.
I ruled out choice No. 1 because of the afore-mentioned principle not to kill living creatures, and decided against No. 3, which I had considered but rejected because of the possibility of having to deal with dozens more of its kind in the near future (experience tells me that if I let it go this time, it will run back to its nest and inform all its pals that there is a weak ruler out there, and they will wreak havoc on my table). And so, by elimination, I picked No. 2.
What would you have done? Of course, this is a mere ant we are talking about, but superimposing such a situation into something more realistic for eg. what if this were a human, and you were the absolute ruler of a small island, and whatever you did to this person would have absolutely no impact on you, at least not in this realm, but would completely devastate the person's life?
Of course, the most responsible action to take was not included in the possible options to take: that is, Keep Your Room Clean and Tidy and Never Eat In It Again So As Not To Tempt Ants To Come By Looking For Crumbs, Thereby Irritating The Hell Out of You. But we tend to put the blame on others and then choose the easiest way out, which more often than not has negative repurcussions. Maybe not on you (for the time being anyway), but for other people.
What's the point of all this?
I lost my camera.
Well, actually, the camera my dad bought my sis, which made the whole things worse. It happened two Fridays ago, and I was so upset over it it was the only thing I could blog about, yet I couldn't, because you see I didn't want to tell my family that I freaking lost the $600+++ camera.
So why am I blogging about it now? Because it has been replaced, and, since I have served my penance, I can hence let the world know that I lost it out of sheer carelessness (and fatigue). Shan't go into the story of how it happened because it really doesn't matter anymore, but here's the new baby!:
Look how pretty and shiny it is. Its surface reflected my hands holding the camera that was taking its picture! I call it Dimage X1 No. 2, in memory of its predecessor, Dimage X1 No. 1. May she rest in peace. (And may the person who took it and kept it for himself/herself, if that is indeed what he/she did, never find a charger for the camera.)
If you realise, this is a Konica Minolta, the manufacturer which has only recently announced that it is pulling out from the digicam market. So, despite there being an IT fair going on right now, The Boyfriend and I were unable to get my replacement there, because lo and behold, K-M wasn't even a participant in the event. (We suspect it pulled out last minute because The Boyfriend saw its name in an ad publicizing the fair just the day before its commencement.)
Anyway, all credit goes to The Boyfriend, who kept an eye on online auctions for me for second-hand Dimage X1s (we narrowly missed out on one, which was sold for $400), who checked out the participating companies at the fair as aforementioned, and finally, who went down to Mustafa and bargained unsuccessfully with the sour counter men there. I whinged and I whined, but ultimately, he was the one who did all the dirty work for me.
What's there not to love?