Just got back from Perth this morning. The weather was great, compared to the humidity of Singapore (perhaps affected by the impending eruption of the volcano I've been hearing about). But turning into my neighbourhood, it was hard not to get excited seeing all the banners PAP and Worker's Party have put up in anticipation of 6 May. Will try to get some pictures of the scene around here, and post the pictures soon.
Anyway. I wish I could blog more often, because I really miss getting regular comments (what's the link between the two? If I blog only intermittently, people'll stop coming to as often, and thus leave less comments). And partly 'cause it's boring to see the same thing for too long at the top of the page. But I really can't help it; if it's not the time I don't have, then it's the fear that I may be committing a breach of contract. Specifically -
but I realise that I shouldn't elaborate. Suffice to say, The Company has added an entire section devoted to blogs.
Photos, anyone?
I found this flyer lying on the field located just outside my hotel. [Grandmother story alert:] Googling on it revealed that ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps; the day is a commemoration of the armed forces who sacrificed their lives in the first World War. The significance of their participation in the war lies in the fact that back in 1914, Aussie was a new country eager to establish itself in the world. Over 8,000 Australian soldiers were lost in the war. (More info here.)
On the other side of the field lies a lake, named the Swan Lake. I wonder if the ballet has ever been staged there... Hmn. Saw quite a few birds. And many many feathers.
Quite the photo-whore, this seagull gamely posed for a few pictures for me.
Conversely, this sea-bird (I don't know what it's called) which was sunning its wings shifted away uneasily when I got too near.
No swans in sight, however.
Fake Kitties by a shop window. The Asian population living in Perth seems to be quite substantial, if these gift shops are anything to go by. The salespersons I've seen so far are all of Chinese descent, I believe. (Edit: In fact there were a lot of Asian eateries all over. Even one of the guys working at Subway was Asian. I guess Perth isn't one of those places where rasicm is pervasive.)
The requisite vanity shot - which isn't that nice, actually, but I don't really know what other photo to upload hah. On another note, check out this link (in which a dubious character named Hard Gay pays an unannounced visit to the Yahoo! offices), that I got from my soci blog. Hilarious.
Hence concludes a rather boring post. Time for bed!
Edit: I really ought to add more sights of Perth to make this entry more relevant. Actually, the only place I went to was Hay Street, which is a little shopping district, so that's all that you have to content yourself with, dear reader.
Two very different places of worship, one juxtaposed over the other.
The famous Roc Candy of Aussie. Not that I'd heard of it until now.
Elder Paik and his novel (or is it traditional?) method of asking for alms.
There were in fact quite a few buskers on Hay Street, like musicians, spray-paint artists, and mime artists, one of whom mesmerised me so much with his slick moves choreographed to the likes of Justin Timberlake's Rock Your Body that I did not take any more pictures.