Just came back from Bangkok, and had a rockin' time there. I spent a disgusting amount of money on 7 pairs of shoes (sadly, all that I've worn so far will cause me to get arthritis prematurely), 7 skirts, 9 dresses and a countless array of tops and accessories. Actually, after the shoes, I'm not very sure if I got the figures right. I tried counting, really, but I started to get a headache. But 'tis ok, because I played the bloodsucking girlfriend for once and let The Boyfriend foot the bill for 'most everything else. And yet, despite this, I managed to blow in one week what my obviously more prudent other half spent in a month.
Of the aforementioned shoes, one of them gave me such gargantuan blisters that the next day, when I slipped on my normally comfy mary janes in anticipation of a day of walking at Ayutthaya, all I could do was wince from pain. I had to fashion a kind of bubble-wrap using handiplasts, and hobbled, duck-walked and whined the whole day. The Boyfriend did not once offer to give me a piggy-back ride, though I once jumped on anyway, but promptly failed 'cause of the constrictive nature of dresses.
We also visited this really cool, uppity bar sitting atop a posh hotel at The State Tower.
the best I could do without a tripod or flash
view from the top
I know it costs a bomb to spend a night at the hotel (which, for interests sake, I think is called lebua), but a glass of martini, at S$15, didn't really burn a hole in our wallets.
my promegranate martini
lovely balustraded balconies
I tried to take pictures at the outdoor portion at another pub 9 floors down, but they were marred by shaking (though well-intentioned) hands! Harrumph.
my best shot.
Well, at least I'm quite happy with this one. You can't tell from the picture, but we were wearing matching shoes. And why am I telling you this? I dunno!
On our last night in Bangkok, we went to the famous Cabbages and Condoms, a restaurant with food as yummy as its humanitarian cause was noble.
Instead of giving us mints after the meal, we opened up the bill book to find some dozen condoms gushing out, obviously an overzealous attempt to teach us safe sex.
Oh man, I loved Bangkok. Can't wait to go back.