Friday, February 18, 2005

Who Says Engineers Aren't in Demand Anymore?

With my impending "desperately seeking job" status, I went down to the career fair organised by my university with a bunch of my honours mates yesterday. What greeted me, besides the stale, stuffy air of the badly-ventilated Multi-purpose Sports Hall like the pong of a herd of secondary school boys boarding the bus after PE, were the rows and rows of companies looking for engineering grads. Or the representatives from the insurance/banking industries. Sure, there were a few stalls manned by the good people at the stat boards or related organisations, but of those, very few(rather, almost none) interested me. HR? Managerial positions? I'm still dreaming of that stint on Discovery Travel. Or writing for SPH/Mediacorp. Damn. Looks like I'm gonna get stuck in that dead-end job nobody wants. Idealisms. Bah, humbug.

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