Sunday, May 01, 2005

Another Reason Why We Shouldn't Wear Fur

Wu Ming abandons his "Fairprice Softness" comfort and roughs it out on his usual pee corner in a bid to stay cool. Talk about being unglam:

Seriously, the weather's been freaking hot, so much so that some people have wondered aloud how many suns there are in the sky (true story). Wu Ming, especially, entering that geriatric stage in his life (well he's not yet quite as ancient as Cuddles lived to be), has been finding the going rough. Of late, every breath he takes is laboured and quick, every step wobbly and unstable. I do hope he can at least last this last month or so before his rightful owner returns. It's quite bad, even my mum has noticed, and a few nights ago suggested that he be moved to join me and my sis in our sleeping quarters. So now, he gets to sleep in air-conditioned comfort - I hope - about a third of the day.

I said I hope, because when the room starts to cool, he starts to disappear under his sheets of the afore-mentioned brand of tissue paper (two-ply @ 3 sheets per hand-out), so much so that I'm waiting for people to start asking me whether there's actually a living creature in that cage or am I just breeding the bacteria that will eventually decompose the bio-degradable wood shavings? You can hardly see he's there at all. But when he does deign to poke his little nose out from under his nest, he's as cute as can be. Which is why I couldn't resist taking these pictures below (with captioned-accompliment):

This is his "OI!" face. For having been disturbed in his sleep with a spotlight (mind you, cataracted though his eyes could be, and previously thought to be already blind, he is still quite sensitive to light.). Grumpy like the old fogey he is.

This is him investigating my handphone-holding appendix. Probably hoping I'd drop him a snack.

And this is him retreating back into his bed, having found none. The End.


TikiTakiBoi said...

haha.. now this is wat i called pictures :p
better and much cuter then your fingernails. heh

Anonymous said...

:)THX for the pics. He looks alright still but ur description sounds pretty bad....hopefully it's becoz of the weather :) THX........

Molly Coddle said...

:) adorable right? but he just sleeps the days and nights away nowadays.