Friday, July 15, 2005


Waddaya know. The day has come. I am officially unemployed.

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Yes, trust me to put it in such depressing terms. But on that day, I slipped into a state that can only be described as Dread. I have no answers why, especially since I saw all my peers being so full of glee. I even had to convince my best friend and boyfriend to go to the Viewing Gallery, where all they would see was a CCTV-ed image of the ceremony, and wait in the hope of being able to get admitted into the hall. Not a normally-Julia way of behaving, but I was not as confident and self-assured as I normally was. All I wanted, when I came out from the ceremony, was to have my close friends waiting for me.

And wait they did. With a bonus - food! Now that's what I call friends. They snuck out from before the rest, helped themselves to two platefuls of finger food, and presented themselves (and it) to me after the whole exercise in self-importance was over.

So, yes, having my friends there helped. It helped a lot. I'd arranged to meet them before the ceremony began, so that we could have our pictures taken together at leisure. As we went around, they trying to cajole me to take more pictures at that tree, that sculpture, me trying not to take pictures on my own, I started to have fun, despite myself. They made all the difference. For a while, I forgot about my woes of trying to find myself a decent job that was as fulfilling and rewarding (I blame MOE) as it was well-paying - yet at the same time not selling myself out to the highest-paying, money-grubbing multi-national organization (especially not one that is run on money from public, solicited donations, heaven forbid). Anyone could tell, such idealism is a recipe for a downward-spiralling depression. How on earth is one to find such a kind of job, without so much as even stepped into the working world proper? Sure, I've held a few temp jobs, but compared to some of my peers, the experience those have accorded to me are, to borrow and take out-of-context Mrs Goh's words, "peanuts".

But I digress. I had a good time, overall, at my graduation ceremony, thanks to my friends, even those who could not make it but who, I know, wanted to. Thanks so much, guys, for making my day a memorable one.


D said...

wah seh, ur grad fotos very interesting siah..

send u ours soon..:)

Anonymous said...

that outstanding photo you took...
A as usual Julia posting but in a different outfit... wow... two no three thunb up!!!

dun feel confusion and doubt and worry for ur future...
it always happen to those like you at tis stage!!!
jus be positive!!!
remember... attidute must be POSITIVE and fight for ur interest...
and also remember to be STRONG!!!

Molly Coddle said...

heh daf, yeah, I should send the ones I have of us too...

and thx, anonymous, for your encouraging comments! I surely will try harder in my continuing job search. for now, I have a small writing assignment I can work on, thanks to an acquaintance I bumped into. Ain't life's coincidences cool in that way sometimes?

and erm, I have to admit that my blog is a poor imitator of Elyse Sewell's (one of the contestants in Season 1 of America's Next Top Model), as far as the photos go. Go take a look sometime, if you are free:

Molly Coddle said...

oh damn. i meant i got inspired by the pics Ms Sewell posts on the site, and that they aren't anywhere as good as hers. not that i am making any reference to my writing - hers is way better, by a mile.

Anonymous said...

ya, life's does sometime coincidences cool, but it onli "sometime", and you are the one who can warm it!!! =)

btw, ur writing is good!
there is't a way for comparison of ones writings, coz each individual got their own styles. Style is for appricate, not compare.
i do love ur wirting and the word you had chosen... haha

if you realli realli love writing, had you even thoght of going for position in press coy or mag? or even someting like...copywriter etc =)

from you and ur writing, i can smell the daring in ur thought...
you seem like full of ideas and expectation to show off...
it like... um... if you paint a picture, it will full of imagination and very colour and vivid!!!
i knew you are't a shy person, so, come on julia... show off youself!
Leo's girl is a very strong and determine girl and persistance also (read : but jus onli sometime need an encouragement from frineds to push you farther and further) you do had that which deep in you, ok (read:shout)!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes, the preious two writing, they are came from the same writer.
and it is original, and from local! and the writer younger than you by one year... =)
and the writer is a NUS student... =)

if you like it i can send you more!!!

Anonymous said...

wow... thanX you for introduced such a wonderdul site (read : Elyse Sewell's site!!!)

realli love those phot she took!!!

Molly Coddle said...

Yeah! Elyse's site is great, innit? She's extremely cool. And thx for the prep talk!

Anonymous said...

yo girl! hehahha couldn't help laughing at ya pic! realli gd! sooo funny :P

congrats to ya convocation!!!

Molly Coddle said...

Hee hee thanks! Thanks to the photog too, Liyan!