Sunday, August 14, 2005

Never Read While You Eat

So I was reading the papers just now, while eating what I thought was a slice of grapefruit. It tasted funky. I thought, hey, I didn't know grapefruits tasted this odd. Not-quite sour, and rather dull. And I continued to read.

A little while later, I glanced down at the fruit to make sure that I'd cleaned it out to the skin. And this is what I saw:

(click to enlarge)


(PS: The fruit, by the way, was an orange, and not a grapefruit. I was waylaid by the vermillion-hued flesh.)


TikiTakiBoi said...

anyway my sis was eating her dinner bought from outside yesterday and she found a maggot inside... equally disgusting

Molly Coddle said...

ew. and did i mention that time i bought economic rice from downstairs, and found a curly (read: pubic) hair in the rice???? i never buy from the stall, nope, not ever again.

and today, a found bird shit on my shoe when i got home. yes. the bird shit was black and white, my shoe is black and white. would've made a pretty neat photo, but i was too disgusted to think of taking a photo of it. i'll have to rename my blog Fascinated Disgust if i'm not careful.