My machine is down. All thanks to a virus that's been floating around MSN. Be careful, people! Don't download any .exe files of unverifiable source. Don't give in to your vanity, as I did, and click on a URL extolling "Wow, is this you?" (Though, masquerading very successfully as a profile of me - which despite distinctly remembering I had no picture posted up on - was very credibly done, I must add in my defence.)
So it rendered my antivirus and firewall software unuseable. And would send out said URL to other friends surreptitiously, which is why my friends have seen even less of me of late online. So I said, what the hey, my computer's been damn slow of late, so I may as well just re-boot the entire thing.
The thing is, HP, from the goodness of its soul, decided that it would save some of my data already in my computer. So I still have remnants of past applications - though I suspect most of them to be just empty shells. And that means that the darned virus may still be in hiding somewhere, in there. Because truth be told my computer isn't working as well as it should. Damn, damn, damn. Oh, damn.
Another thing: As all things in life must go, it doesn't rain but it pours. Well that is a malapropism, because really what is happening is a GOOD thing. Ok before I get ahead of myself - I have been offered a job, and have another interview for another coming up next Friday. But I do want that other job job pretty badly, and I know that this is pretty much the window in my life I'll be able to get it, so I shall have to reject the nice HR personnel that will call me up on Monday. HR personnel, this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you.
Alright, I have run out of time on my cousin's computer. Til later.
Hi gorgeuous,
Didnt you say there was a third round to go? So the company offered you the job oredi? that's great! Congrats! See u in my ranks soon ;)
Hi hi,
No no not that job, I'm referring to another one la.. heh. The final round of interviews for your job is coming up in the later parts of next month. I'm holding my breath that rejecting this one isn't the wrong move. :)
Ha, was what I wrote very confusing? I shall go edit it for clarity now.
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