Friday, October 07, 2005

A Truly Frivolous Post

Oh man I got all excited for nothing.

I was going to ask you guys to compare this photo:

(Taken in June this year, and first seen in this entry.)

With this:

Specifically, to compare me and my friend Huiz (i.e. the only girl besides myself to appear in both photos).

When I initially posted up the first photo, it was for the express purpose of lamenting my over-zealous melanin. Why couldn't I look as fair as her?! I wailed.

So, when I saw this photo (my camera battery went flat before I could have a good look at it on the spot), I saw a noticeable similiarity, in terms of skin tone, between Huiz's (this must be a grammatical blasphemy) and mine.

And the first thing I thought was, Wow! I must really write in to thank the good people at Garnier.

Then over the days, as I weighed the pros and cons of not writing anything or writing something totally crappy and narcissistic, I started to wonder if it was because I've not been in the sun much these days.

And today, when obviously the latter won out (and I blame my regular sources of blogs for this, because I had nothing very much to read, and so in my restlessness decided to be that something to read), I came to the sinking realisation that no, the miracle could really lie in that bottle of liquid foundation LancĂ´me so wonderfully concocted.

Woe is me.

But no! I shall not despair. Tomorrow, during our gathering, I shall take another picture with Huiz, sans make-up.

Edit: 101005

Tahda! The verdict's out. For anyone who's interested, the true me is somewhere in between the two Mollys you saw above. But then again, as my dearest Huiz had to tell me, it could be simply 'cause she has turned a few shades tanner over past few months. Sigh. Oh well.

Oh yes, a disclaimer. I am not by any means obsessed about turning into a white sheet, people! I just write about it because it seemed like a funny thing to write about at that time, and the follow-up seems to be in order to, for continuity's sake.


The Tarot Apprentice said...

But tanned girls are charming!!!

Molly Coddle said...

I went through the tanned phase in my late teens. It was fun for a while, but then I... okay, why don't you read the entry I referred (I know the link was broken, but it's fixed now) to for my reasons. Too lazy to type them here, haha. (Ok simply put: grass is greener on the other side.)

And did I mention the devastating effects the sun can and definitely will have on our skin?! I do not want to look like my great-aunt's leather bag before I hit my 40s, no sirree.

Molly Coddle said...

You know, I put that parenthesis in the wrong part of the sentence, but nevermind.

Molly Coddle said...

Yes!!! Tanned or no - sunblock! But I hate that sticky feeling on my skin, haha.

The Tarot Apprentice said...


Read the link. I think ah, I think lah, maybe you should pick up make-up skills that suits your given complexion and not trying to whiten or what.

I think hor, if my memory doesn't fail me (hope not), you didn't look that 'white' in pri sch days. So there are certain things that are unable to change so we have to work our way round I guess.

I mean, if you've seen our famous pink blogger XX in her before-make-up picture, it's really amaze what incredible invention civilisation had conjure!!!

But I guess as the end of the day, it's that you've to be content with your looks. And definitely you look chio lah.

And sorry again ah, that your pro sch 'kor kor' grew up to type in a mixture of english and hokkien.

Si eh pai seh


The Tarot Apprentice said...

And, you like Fann Wong ah?

To gossip a little, I wonder how celebrities go dating. Hmm. Especially the rumoured boyfriend is Christopher Lee (still the same right?). Must be a pretty interesting sight to see 2 gangs of fan following behind them.


I'd only seen Tanya Chua holding a hand of this caucasian man a few years back at a cafe.

Anonymous said...

Haha that'll be cool. I take that as a compliment. :-)

Molly Coddle said...

Haha soulburnz, I'm definitely not psycho about getting fairer, in fact I'm quite alright with my skin tone the way it is now - it's just that I like to quibble about what I have/don't have! Heh. And thank you for the compliment *blush*

And yup, you are def correct - me no white-white girl! (But I can dream about it, no?) Ha oh and I speak in Singlish, like most of our fellow Singaporeans, but tend to try and type in proper Ang Moh - coz that just makes me feel good about meself.

Eh, I don't like Fann Wong that much - in fact, I went through a period where I absolutely abhorred her (wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that my bf liked her, *erhem*), but I do respect her for how far she has come. And looking good despite a lack of a prominent nose bridge. And oh, of coz her bee-yeow-ti-fool skin. And her r/s with Chris Lee is not rumoured, by the way! They "went public" about it some time ago. Of coz, it raised few eyebrows by then, so maybe that's why you didn't notice what little column space there was in the gossip section of the news about that. But yeah, I heard Tanya's squeeze is an Ang Moh. I saw her once too, her eyes behind a pair of big-framed sunglasses. Looked good.

Having said so much, however - does no one want to admit to the fact that they wanna look fairer? No one at all? C'mon, someone has to be buying those whitening products!!

Molly Coddle said...

Erm, Isaac, what do you mean?

Molly Coddle said...

Ah! I got it, sorry. Should've replied in your own comments page!! Haha.

Molly Coddle said...

And yes, consider it done, Isaac.

Molly Coddle said...

Oh oh one last thing Soulburnz - I do believe in getting make-up that are closest to my skin tone in colour, but it's a tough job finding one la. Still, I don't think I look like I tanned with a turtle-neck top whenever I pile on the make-up. Plus, Prescriptives, which is the only place I know where they customise your foundation, has left Singapore. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Gal, u r most beautiful when u r 100% natural =)

to me girls w bad heart who look flawless/hv flawless complexion r equally ugly.. u noe wat i mean.. haha.. crap.. =P

anyway, u r beautiful Ju!

Molly Coddle said...

Awwwwww.... Thanks! So are you!

Anonymous said...

tniao tniao.. scratch head.. kekez tis kinda compliments no need li shang wang lai tsk ~ thanx anyway hee hee..

Molly Coddle said...

haha.. i guess what i was trying to say is yes, our natural selves are our beautiful selves... :)