Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Waiting Game

This picture shows Ms Coddle mulling over the situation she was in. She had interviewed for two jobs at the same company (big, internationally-recognised local brand) and made it through to the last rounds for both. Job A is something she prefers over Job B, but she has been told that the final decision lies on her prospective employer; what this means is that, apparently, from the culminative knowledge of herself that the two people at each respective interview session garnered - that is, the twenty-odd minutes they saw her under a very specific context, and which, by this very fact, could only possibly give them a glimpse of a very small facet of her personality and abilities - they are supposed to make an informed choice regarding, she has been told, "which job suits you better".

But yes, it is doubtless that they have the help of sophisticated tests designed specifically to tease out the nuances of said personality and abilities, tests which, by virtue of the fact that they are expensive to administer and were even more expensive to develop, are very accurate and revealing of the candidate indeed.)


Molly Coddle said...

Haha, thanks! Got it in bangkok the last time I visited. Really cheap.

The nice HR lady told me "in a few days" - very vague - but because this was conveyed to her from the management, it's the best answer I could get from them. My dad says I'd prolly hear from them on Friday "because it's the end of the week". It's an excruciating wait!

The Tarot Apprentice said...

That's what they say about 'first impression counts'!!!

Molly Coddle said...

Haha... most of the rest of the girls were decked out in blazers. I stood out like a sorely-underdressed thumb.