Anyway, once the clock struck that magical hour of 11, the guys started going crazy and went on a drinking binge. One of the guys I met there was already quite far gone by the time we were introduced; he took the cheapo route of getting high by visiting a nearby 7-11 first. I didn't see him much the rest of the night - heard that he either goes dancing or starts hitting on girls. Jarvis got really high too (as usual) and I had to resort to confiscating his cards and wallets (yes, wallets - he has two) so for the rest of the 1-for-1 hour, he was screaming, "Gimme back my wallets! I wanna drink! Only 7 minutes left!!! 7 minutes! Gimme back!", amusing the rest of us who were more in control of our faculties.
I wasn't spared the intoxication either - drinks were passed left to right, right to left, up and down, outwards in, inward-out. Madness, I tell ya. When the drinks kicked in - and it didn't take long, because I must be the lousiest drinker there is on this planet - I went quite wild myself. As a result I now have a bump on my tailbone to show for it. For some reason the pillar I was leaning against seemed to slip out of my hand, all the way til I landed, without ceremony, on the drink-spewed floor of Zouk. It was a disgrace I was unaware of at that point in time, but I now hang my head in shame. A hex on all those bastards who scurried out of the way while my poor butt slammed on the floor!
Oh yeah, we took some pictures too, despite Zouk's no photography rule. At one point I even told the bouncer to join in! Thankfully he didn't yank me by the neck and hurl my tipsy self outta there, but instead allowed us to take one shot (check out Jarvis' blue-green eyes! Rather weird, but it sorta, kinda, went with the colour of his tee):

Did some one tell u this design for a blog is absolutely horrible? haha. Please change it when u can, because its hurting my eyes.
No! And I was asking for comments, too (re: below). Is it the colour or the design, per se?
Both I feel. But more of the design and less of the color. But I defintely prefer your older design
...Sigh. The older design wasn't mine, it was provided by Blogger. But thanks! You're only the second person to comment on the new layout.
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