Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Question: Why are we all wrapped up like mummies?

Think the concussion did some damage to my brain.

(A lil haphazardly put-together but...) More great poses from the rest of my 'mates (love you guys!):

Have you guessed the answer yet?

First-aid class.

And finally, because I can:

The One-Two-Five Manoeuvre (impossible-to-spell word)

Four Beauties

On my way to "school", munching on breakfast on the bus as usual.


Anonymous said...

haha.. noticed stm.. you look much more prim and proper in the pics.. hair tied up so tight..

Very tai tai ish :p


Molly Coddle said...

Haha... I didn't realise. Actually, you ain't seen nuthin' yet. When the full make-up comes on, I will really look like a tai-tai. All 35 (sic) years of me.