Friday, June 02, 2006

I Should Be In Bed...

... But I couldn't resist the urge to use the internet for a bit. You see, ladies and gentlemen, I am now in the United Arab Emirates state of Abu Dhabi, where the weather is swelteringly hot, the hours are 4 behind Singapore time, and where picture-taking is a restricted affair. I read in the guide of the hotel room that no photographs are to be taken of government buildings and such-like, and that permission should always be sought before taking pictures of people; women in particular find having their pictures taken intrusive. They didn't mention anything about bookstores, however, so I was today gingerly trying to take a picture (even though two security guards were making their rounds in there - for reasons mysterious to me). I wanted to, for the benefit of you readers, demonstrate Mills and Boon's reach of the land - they have a presence, unexpectedly to me, in the Middle East - but before I could properly depress the shutter button, one of the uniform-clad men marched up to me, hand outstretched and waving vigorously, saying, "Sorry, no, no". So my camera's memory card is still empty. Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.

P/S I changed the time of post to reflect the country I am in.


The Tarot Apprentice said...

Hey~~~I've a friend who's an air stewardess with Emirates!!!

Molly Coddle said...

Hmn.. Wonder how she manages to tahan staying there man. So bloody hot. Plus the contract's for 3 years! I know I won't be able to do it - one week was already more than enough for me.

D said...

hey jules!
think i saw ur sis on bus 13 when i was on my way to work this morning.. but din dare to call her as not very sure.. :D

which part of the globe are u at now??

Molly Coddle said...

hi daf! sorry for the late reply. your question is... rather hard to answer since I don't know when you posted it! So:

When I saw it I just came back from Shanghai;
And now I just came back from Jarkarta.
Who knows where I'll be the day after tomorrow??

D said...

sorry my qn abit 'fei4'...

Btw, did u do A level history? or anyone u know?
i've a fren who wants to find out wat they covered in A Level hist, the syllabus..

can lemme noe over email if u can.. sorry i noe u busy.. appreciate ur help!

Molly Coddle said...

haha sorry i didn't mean it that way...

I did Current History, Southeast Asian History and one more I think I can't remember. Will try and email you soon dear!