Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Errant Neighbour AKA Stupid Bitch

For years, my mum and I have been contending with our twelveth floor neighbour (we live three floors down). She, and her mum, love to leave their wet, dripping laundry out to dry at the worst possible time - while everyone else eleven floor below are also having theirs out in the sun.

In the beginning, my mum and I separately went upstairs to implore them to take their clothes in, not knowing the other was doing it too. I for my part thought that these occasions were one-off, or rare - but one day the dreaded dripping started when we were both in the kitchen together.

"Mum!" I yelled. "Look what our neighbour is doing!"

"Yah, I know," she replied with unexpected zen. "They always do this."

"We should go up and tell them to stop!"

"No use la, I went many times already, still liddat. The daughter, especially, loves to wash many many bras at one time and let them just drip outside her window."

I never saw those bras though. Never, til today, that is.

I had just woken, and stumbled into the kitchen to wash up, when - plip! plop! ploop! - I thought it had started raining. Turning my attention to what was going on outside the window, I then realised: the stupid bitch had hung her soaking, wet laundry again, taking advantage of the good sun (like everyone else, eleven floors below hers).

Putting down my toothbrush and cursing under my breath, I took in the clothes that were in the firing range of her pelts. I looked up, and there they were - all ten bras and three panties.

Who the hell keeps one and a half weeks' worth of bras to wash at one go? Boy, besides being obnoxiously inconsiderate, my neighbour must be disgustingly unhygienic as well!


TikiTakiBoi said...

heyz time for update liaoz :)
the hanging bras are getting unsightly

Molly Coddle said...

haha.. well, this blog thing is getting a bit old for me. n it's starting to feel like i'm talking to myself.. but i'll try to write. hope the motivation'll come in soon. thx 4 leaving a comment! :)