Monday, July 23, 2007

My Opinion of Her Just Sank Even Lower.

I cannot resist commenting on this:

"I also hope that besides seeing my diligence, he also sees how attractive and beautiful I am."

If you've read today's Life!, then you'll know who spouted that utterly bimbotic line.

Now if she said: "I also hope that besides seeing my beauty, he also sees how diligent I am," I'd hold my piece. Peace. She'd earn a lil of my respect. But, yeah, I'm sure Andy Lau loves your plastic beauty, Jolin.

What Jolin Tsai wears under her clothes.

(Ok, this was the original I posted.)


D said...

har... Jolin Tsai said that ah??

did the media get the sequence mixed up??

hai..anyway.. *nothing to say*

Molly Coddle said...

Yah... i just love to hate her. Heheh. And she makes it so easy for me.

(Damn it! Should've saved the pic into my own comp, not borrowed it from somewhere else. Will track it down and post it again.)