I think I just spotted a male olive-backed sunbird perched on my tek kor just now. I was just going about my business, having just finished my lunch of hokkien mee, when I heard a distinct bird call, twittering away outside the window of my kitchen. I looked up from the mess that was the rubbish bin - and voila! - a tiny bird was there, surveying the area. For about 3 minutes, I just stood at the sink, not paying attention to the cutlery I was washing, staring all the time at the tiny little relayer of Spring that was barely two or three metres away from where I was standing. From the secrecy of the darkened window panes, I think, the bird, though it could hear my clumsy human ways, could not really make out if there was anything/one there. And then, with a little hop to position himself sideways, he took off. I scurried to my window and saw him joined by another bird, probably his mate, at the tek kor-ed window of another kitchen adjacent to my block. Ah. It's so nice to have Nature visit you every once in a while.
Here's the link to a picture of the olive-backed sunbird, taken by Paul Huang:
12 years ago
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