Saturday, April 02, 2005

I Like My Showers Warm, Thankyouverymuch.

Of late I've been taking showers cold.

No, it's not some new health fad scientists/doctors/people in the field are highly-recommending, no, not at all. Far from that.

It's something a little, sorry, make that a lot, duller than that.
It's a technical malfunction.
It's my heater.

And what's worse is, it's one of those gas-powered heaters that warrant a lot of ventilation, so it needs to be installed outside the confines of one's bathrooms. And the offshoot of that is, everytime I goes cold on me, I follow the following steps:
1. Turn on the faucet.
2. Stand, stark naked, with your ear cocked next to the semi-translucent blue door of the bathroom (the kind when, if there's light coming in from inside, you can see a silhouette (albeit distorted) - a word I need to enlist the help of in order to spell, by the way) so as to listen up for the "pop" of the flame being ignited.
3. If not, turn off the tap, and repeat steps two and three.


TikiTakiBoi said...

hahah. what an interesting bath time sequence!
and hey wat did u mean by me dissapearing on u???
hahah... not enough posts ah :P

Molly Coddle said...

Interesting?? More like irritating. And yes not enough new posts :)