Then again, this is Singapore, and I live in a high-rise building.
Anyway, this is how the story goes:
My brother came to loserly me, who, as usual, was seated on her bed in front of the computer, beckoning to me to come with him. His face had this "I have something really cool/interesting to show you" look on it, he seemed so amused. I thought my mum had fallen asleep on the couch in a funny position. But, as it turns out, that was not so. My mum was simply reading on the sofa in an odd position. But nevermind that. So he pointed to the window in his room, and there the little adolescent was, resting on his window sill. His - well, I don't know for sure, I just have a habit of assuming every living creature is male until proven otherwise (and every non-living thing as a "she": country, house, car etc. Go figure.) - parents had been scared off when by brother, upon hearing some noise from the window, turned from his laptop to take a look. The parents must've had the shock of their lives. They forgot to take their son - offspring - with them when they fled the creature whom, unbeknownst to them, couldn't eat them for dinner even if he'd wanted to, because he was separated from them by a sheet of glass.
So anyway, after talking about it for a bit, and marvelling at how, out of the myriad of tiny window sills in the neighbourhood, the three decided to take a breather at one of ours, we did the only thing all self-respecting Singaporeans would do: meld their love affair for fancy gadgets and gizmos with their penchant for kiasuism - and took a photo for remembrance. I joined in too (hey, I'm a self-respecting Singaporean too ok!). And this, my dear (not-so) hypothetical reader, is the result.
Gosh, how I pamper thee with boring stories about mundane affairs painted in a romanticized light.
(For those of you - very few, I know - who are interested in finding out how the story ended, well, it ended with the clumsy human (me) making a sudden movement, after having crept closer to the animal, and scaring the little thing off. He flew to a nearby block. Alright, the end.)
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