But the rest of me is not.
In any case, the battle has begun...
Come, come, hear me alternately whine about my life and wax lyrical about its blessings.
Naturally, I was pissed off.
So I went to the kitchen, picked up thetek kor propper (does it have a proper term? Laundry stick, perhaps?), went back to my room, and knocked on my ceiling. With vengence. But that reminded me of Mr Heckles, a grumpy old man in Friends who lived in the apartment below the girls' - only people in America have no need for tek kors and by extension, tek kor proppers either, so he used a broom. Why didn't I use a broom? Because - well, it just didn't cross my mind to use a broom - so I stopped being grumpy sleepless Julia after a while and, instead of going back to my work, went and did a search on Friends episode transcripts. Hoorah for the ever well-disciplined Jules.
Haha. Meanwhile, in other happenings of my day...
Was taking pics today for a job application, and my brother took this candid of me. Commented to Adrian (sorry, haven't learnt how do that nifty link "trick" yet - I know it doesn't really qualify as a trick since 'most everyone knows how to do it - where you place your cursor over the name, click on it, and be magically transferred to the URL, so I can't link to your blog as yet) how I looked like a paper cut-out doll, and suggested that he added some tabs to me, since he was already Photoshopping my other photo. And so he did! Thanks for fulfilling my life-long fantasy of being a life-less, two-dimensional cardboard character Ad! You're such a pal. :>
ETA: Yes I know the tabs are on the clothes of the doll, not the doll itself. Details-schmetails.
And hey, I figured it out! Visit Adrian's blog here.