Monday, November 07, 2005

Throaty Ululations

With the weekend that just passed, I'm feeling contentment and pleasure at just staying home, unlike the week before. I expect that has something to do with my busy schedule this past week - which in turn has something to do with daddy handing me out my monthly sum of financial assistance, I suspect.

One of the events that kept me happily scuttling about was a KTV session at KBox. Yes it was fun, but it was also marred by one small but irritating detail: an advertisement that was insistent on popping up every half-hourly or so, disrupting our merry-making ever-so-often:

That's it; while the Suzuki Swift was never a contender in my list of "Potential Cars to Buy Once I Strike It Rich" to begin with, it can now officially kiss my potential-dollar goodbye. I mean, the cheek of it all, blasting its message to us, a captive, freaking paying audience for the 5 hours we were there (which, by the by, was originally only meant to be 4 hours, but thanks to my irresistible charm - on a person of the same sex, no less - we got it extended, at no extra charge)!

That aside: the inaugural Lungs of the Day Award went to SJ, who was the first to start singing, liberally inserted her songs to the top of the list, and continued singing songs consecutively after the rest of the girls (with the exception of Ms Coddle of course) dropped out, one by one, from fatigue or plain unsustainable interest in vying for the award - prolly wasn't pretigious enough for them, hmph.

And the undisputed champion of Photowhore: KTV Session - Huiz, whose pretty head managed to pop up in just about every single photo I took:

Other winners were Fangz, who walked away with the Lethargy Award, by virtue of the fact that she pretty much just languished on her seat most of the time, watching the screen; and Xianz, aka Ms Attention-Deficit - have you ever seen someone so addicted to Sudoko she plays it while awaiting her turn to sing??

click to enlarge)


The Tarot Apprentice said...

The one in black is cute =)

annix said...

sobz sobz... me not Ms Attention-Deficit sobz sobz

Molly Coddle said...

Heh all my girlfriends are cute in their own way, soulburnz. But I'll let SJ know the next time I see her. :) And annix, yes you are!! Teehee (I know, very "Young Generation", but I don't care).

Anonymous said...

xianz is AD - attention deficit, huiz HD - hyperactive disorder.. tsk tsk.. no wonder both of them makes the perfect roomie team -ADHD hee.. oh tts an ugly candid shot for me.. no image liao kekez.. n lethargic to think tt i slept 12 hrs opps.. sssh...

Molly Coddle said...

Haha.. is Huiz hyper? ... K well, she laughed alot... hmn. Heh sorry 'bout the ugly photo of you.. I did realise it when I uploaded it, but it was the only one that illustrated your lethargy AND showcased Xianz' Sudoko book... Actually the latter is the overriding reason la.