Saturday, February 28, 2009

A day in February

Two years ago, The Boyfriend said, "You know, X doesn't celebrate Valentine's with her boyfriend. I think that's a good idea." So that year, we had dinner at Botak Jones on 14th February. I still remember that rocher chocolate that the wait staff gave out to all their customers.

Naturally, I gave him grief for that everytime I remembered the occasion.

So last year, we did better, camping overnight at ECP. Still, we didn't exchange gifts, though I did present him with chocolate clusters I personally made (it was someone else's idea and I conveniently tagged along).

And this year - since we'd already bought advance tix to The Flyer (and I had been pestering him to take me since its goodness-knows-when) - I suggested that we take a ride on Valentine's Day.

He agreed, and made the bookings, which was nice. He even took the extra step of suggesting, and buying tickets to, the annual Chestnuts spoof musical. Okay, not exactly the most romantic date, but not bad by The Boyfriend's standards. So our itin for the day was Chestnuts at 3pm, romantic dinner at Popeyes after, then Flyer at 9pm. All well and good.

After Chestnuts, he asked for a suggestion on where to go.

"How about the River Cruise? It comes along with The Flyer tickets," I offered.

"Yah hor. Ok then, let's go give it a try!"

Very good. So he passed me my helmet, and I put it on.

"Close your eyes." Thinking I had something stuck in the corner of my eye, I complied.

"Now open you mouth."


"Just open it."

"Err... okay...."

"Don't peep!"

And he placed something on my tongue and made me swallow it with a swig of water.
Fearing slightly that I'd been drugged, I pestered him for 15 minutes, non-stop. "What is it? What is itwhatisitwhatisit????"
And suddenly, I realised we were NOT headed in the direction of the Singapore River.

"Eh! Are you taking me to Sentosa?"


"Mount Faber?"

"No, we're going to take the river cruise."

"But this is obviously not way there. What do you think I am, stupid?"

"... ...."

"You're turning into Mount Faber! We're going to take the cable car!!!"

Yep, he couldn't deny it any longer, it was apparant that we were going to experience cable car sky dining. Woo hoo!

And that's how, people, he made up for his V Day gaffe two years ago.

Edit: By the way, that thing he popped into my mouth? It was a motion-sickness pill! Apparently, while doing his homework on sky dining, he found out that quite a few people got cabe car-sick and couldn't finish the full dinner. And true enough, the ride was quite a bumpy one. Only downside to that? I had to struggle to keep my face out of my food when the drowsiness kicked in.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Rachel Getting Married

On a whim, I decided to go watch Rachel Getting Married today. Heck it with all the crummy CNY fare this year! I wanted something I could sink my teeth into.

I called The Boyfriend for a lark, not really expecting him to be interested, this being Badminton Day and all. But lo, he agreed to traipse down to town to catch it with me!

So I rush there, right, almost not making it 'cause of work to do at the office, and we sneakily ate our dinner in the dark (BK burgers - it's been a while).

And I totally loved the movie. I love tormented characters. It's like they live out all the pain and hurt and vulnerability and destructiveness so that I don't have to do it myself. Pure, cathartic, vicarious, glorious pain.

The only marring of my enjoyment was the concern that The Boyfriend wouldn't like it, and I'd have dragged him once again to a movie that he didn't connect with. But it turns out that I needn't have worried. He liked it too!

(Watching movies is like the fortune-telling equivalent of relationship evaluation, for me. Each time we like a movie, we score on the compatibility front. Instantly, I know we'll live to a hundred together. If we differ on opinions on a show we just caught, it's like it's Doomsville for us. Yes, it's that simple.)

So yes, I totally recommend this movie to others, if they are like me. Or if they like to catch Oscar-linked movies. Or if they are Anne Hathaway fans (she's a full-fledged thespian now, can command respect from me liao). Or if you like dysfunctional people/families, or drama, or tragedy, or bitter-sweet endings.